The Adventures of Captain Karat

Someday I'm going to be a rapper.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Part 2 of a Really Long Story

I’ve never been an owner of much stuff. I just tend to spend most of my money on eating at expensive restaurants, drinking, and other social pursuits. I’d much rather drop RM200 on a good dinner than buying myself a pair of shoes that I like, and maybe kind of need as well. Thus my wardrobe sucks, and I just generally lacked most of the STUFF that other people just kinda had, or saved up to buy in the first place. Saving up to buy stuff was beyond me until I got a regular job and started getting a regular paycheck and realized that I didn’t need to spend my money all at once.

Not that I’m rolling in the cash right now, but all of a sudden, I find my bank account subscribing to the just-in-time philosophy of stock replenishment.

Which means I’m starting to get stuff. Bloody capitalist.

It started with the RM200 slippers.

Then I was rewarded with a beautiful cell phone for being a good Samaritan.

Then came the thumb drive.

Then I won the digital camera… and went out and bought myself a nice big memory card and a cool carrying case.

Then I bought myself a lap-top.

Then I got a pair of sunglasses and a beautiful Crumpler bag for my birthday.

My latest addition is an iPod Shuffle… that I won in a contest that actually I didn’t win, but I won in the end anyway. See? Contest lifestyle. I’m telling you, it is the shiznit.

STUFF?! I was never into stuff before, but now I’m learning that handling your shit means you can buy shit, and if you take care of your shit, you can enjoy your shit for longer. Shitttttttteeeeeeeeee. This is a simple concept for normal people, but somehow, I missed school on the day that they were teaching simple life skills to people. I swear my life skills are just fucked. If it weren’t for Sayang, I’d still be a grimy fatty. Now I’m a cleaner not-so-fatty.

Anyway, I know my acccumalation of stuff is hardly impressive, but screw you, it’s a coup for me. When I was a kid, my parents got me “Rhino” from the cartoon Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma M.A.S.K. Rhino was the red 18 wheeler truck that that Bruce Sato used to drive. Bruce's mask was Lifter and made him look like a WW1 soldier in a gas mask but could send out concentric circles of energy that could lift stuff. Useful when off-roading. If you know your cartoons you'd realise that M.A.S.K was brilliant and Rhino was the pimpest ride in a show full of pimps. The rear could extend and out would come a misslle launcher. Rhino makes the Bradley Fighting Vehicle look like Shawn Bradley. I also lost Rhino the day after I got it. This is a trend repeated throughout my life, so for me to ACCUMULATE stuff is just mind-boggling.

Do you see the link a.k.a the point of this long story? Remember my twerk? My iPod was responsible for it. Which brings me to another contest lifestyle story… that I will write another time.

This is a good feeling by the way. I told myself that when I splurged on my Powerbook that I would blog more, that I would write more, and promised to be more hardworking in general. Omong-omong kosong as Jeng Jeng Jeng would say. Maybe now I can start filling up my omong and finally get somewhere in my life.

“I was sick about awards,
couldn’t nobody cure me,
Only playa that got robbed
But kept all his jewellery” – Kanye West, “Diamonds are Forever”


Blogger Audrey Tang said...

Hey..will talk to Zhuang, definitely want to be in KL, especially to see ya. India, huh? I wanna go too, would love some cool cotton tops from there, *hint hint*

E-mail me your cellphone number, and I'll give you a call when I'm in KL.

Where's all the cash coming from? I want some too, any contacts who needs a publicist? Let me know!

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh, why you call me Chow Yun Fat? For sho' my rotund friend, I cant wait to catch somemore of that Koob-antics and talk cock abit!

4:14 AM  

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